List of Tannaim

1st Generation: From Jerusalem to Yavneh 20 B.C.E. - 80 C.E.

From the Schools of Hillel and Shammai to Rabban Yochanan ben Zakhai and his colleagues

2nd Generation: Yavneh and Torah Learning in Galilee 80 - 110 C.E.

Ramban Gamaliel of Yavneh with Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrcanus and Rabbi Joshua ben Chananyah

 3rd Generation: Usha, Persecution, and Bar Kokhba Revolt 110 - 135 C.E.

 Rabbi Akiva, Rabbi Ishmael, and their colleagues

 4th Generation: Shefaram 135 - 170 C.E.

 Rabbi Meir, Rabbi Judah bar Illai, and their colleagues

 5th Generation: Bet Shearim, Sephhoris, and the compilation of the Mishnah 170 - 220 C.E.

 Rabbi Judah Ha Nasi and his colleagues